Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to all!

Even though I complain a lot, I have much to be thankful for. Having a job (even at Red Lobster) is generally better than not having a job. So on this Christmas day give thanks. Spend time with friends and family. Eat a little bit too much. Take a nap. Go to church and thank God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to live as a man, and die on a cross, for each and every one of us, for all of our sins.

Over the next few weeks my posting will be limited and possibly non-existant. I will be moving, taking a week of vacation out of the country, experiencing a life changing event as well as some other things. So when it all settles down again in January I will resume a more regular pattern of posting.

May God bless you!

Oh yeah, and Santa doesn't exist, he's a myth. But he's a fun myth! I'll take Santa over the tooth-fairy any time. Some day I want to create a wrestling cartoon that matches mythical people/creatures/things against each other. Just because.


Anonymous said...

As a best friend of mine would say, Cool Beans. ;)

Will ur future cartoon have Achilles vs. Conan??

Dun forget Stallone vs. Hercules too..hehe

Chris Meirose said...

I think they all would be fair game. I'd love to seea tag team match of Hong Kong Fooey/Zena vs. Optimus Prime/Wonder Woman.

Big Chris